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  • I am 38 year old female having bp fluctuations and anxiety due to lock down. My bp has always otherwise remained normal. But just some days ago I had high bp because of which I was given olmin 40 mg for 2 days by some elder in my family .then discontinued. ever since then my bp is normal but I get palpitations and have slight fever. It has been 3-4 days now. What to do?   - Asked for female, 38years old from Chandigarh"
    Good day friend. I can understand your suitation. You need to control your anxiety or anxious thoughts to control the bp. .medicine alone can't help in such suitation. You need to cope with the lock down related unwanted thoughts and fear. Be positive. You need a counseling guidance to learn and manage anxiety. Follow relaxation techniques, meditation, listening to music etc to calm down your mind. Be positive. You will be alright soon. Feel free to reach me online or through Lybrate chat for further assistance for anxiety management.
  • I am feeling fearful especially after 7 in the evening, I feel tremors in legs and feel something crawling in legs. Headache, drowsiness. Can't sleep in night. Feels hot flashes in whole body. Seeing weird things and more.. Is this symptoms of anxiety?   - Asked for Male, 30 Years"
    Good day Friend, Yes what you are experiencing is the reaction of body to the emotional disturbance like anxiety. Fear or Panic about some suitation in your personal or professional or social is causing such disturbance and anxious thoughts in your mind. Be positive. It's an addressable issue if your are ready to take the next of taking professional help from anyone of us. Any generalized advice or recommendations can't help you overcome this problem all alone. You may need a support. Feel free to reach me online for further assistance and guidance. Be positive. You will be alright soon.
  • I think a lot about every minute wrong that happens to me. Especially when it comes to my family or relationships. And if something like that happens now my body reacts in a very bad way. I get headaches, chest pain, emotional breakdown, I have very bad sleep patterns. I have also missed my periods this time. I am two months late. My blood pressure usually goes up. I really can't help but think about everything that goes wrong for a long period of time. It consumes all my energy. I just want to cry and stay all alone. Please guide. Should I get some tests done and go on medication? - Asked for Female, 30 Years"
    Good day. I can understand your concerns and can help to overcome. Pls be aware that our body and mind are very closely interconnected. So any emotional disturbance like overthinking , anxiety or depression or stress will influence and affect your body's normal functioning. It may result in symptoms like lack of energy, sleeplessness, headache, panic attacks, PMS issues, body pain, constipation and many more. Its important to address the root cause than just treating the symptoms. If you notice the root cause here is your "thought". I.e your overthinking or overwhelming or negative thoughts about your personal life or professional issues leading into negativity or fear or insecurity !!! Be positive. It's an addressable issue if are willing to make few changes in your mind set, lifestyle, food habbit , few daily routines and follow few relaxation techniques etc As I am also an Ayurveda wellness counselor and Siddha Varmam therapist, my approach is holistic. Feel free to reach me online for further assistance and assessment of your physical and mental symptoms to recommend suitable non medicine alternative solutions and therapies. Be positive. You will be alright soon. Note: Be aware, every individual is unique due to their upbringing, culture, society, lifestyle, financial commitment, environment, food habits, education, family values etc. So there is no one fit solutions for all. General advices, Google search, youtube videos won't give better results in handling individual's emotional disturbance. You need a human connect to ventilate your feeling and emotions and then to identify the issues next. Then suitable solutions and therapies plan can be identified jointly. Go ahead and connect with any of us online for better understanding of your problems.
  • I feel anxious all the time, i go for regular morning n evening walks do exercises but still when i go out for walks i feel as if i will fall or I am losing control all this makes me so fearful and helpless.    - Asked for Female, 33 Years"
    Good day. Being anxious all time means, you are overthinking a lot about future. You need to learn the techniques to manage or control or divert such anxious thoughts and triggers. Following a walking routine is good, but until you address the root cause, it will not make much difference. Take a professional help to identify the root cause and understand suitable psychotherapy solutions to manage your thoughts. Feel free to reach me online for further assistance. Be positive. You will be alright soon. Note : Be aware, every individual is unique due to their upbringing, culture, society, lifestyle, environment, food habits, education, family values etc. So there is no one fit solutions for all. General advices, Google search, youtube videos won't give better results in handling individual's emotional disturbance. First you need a human touch to ventilate your feeling and emotions and to isolate the root cause behind all these disturbances. Then suitable solutions and therapies plan can be identified jointly. Appreciate if you can take the next by talking to a counselor/psychologist. Go ahead and connect with any of us online for better understanding of your problems.
  • Everytime i go out i get very stressed thinking about covid.I try to keep myself diverted however my mind doesnot stop thinking about this corona.If someone in damily coughs once i get stressed if he or she is having symptoms of corona.I am getting stressed and depressed nowadays.Dont feel like doing anything.Just want anyhow some vaccine come out so that we can be free to move out without any worry.Kindly guide me how to lower my stress.I was never like this before.I was full of life,usedto make others laugh but now i feel so tensed that dont feel like talking to anyone.   -  Asked for Male, 38 Years"
    Good day Friend. I can understand your concern about covid. Be aware that the current suitation is a pandemic and everyone is going through such tough time in their life. However, it all about finding ways to cope with the suitation and continue your routine with some extra caution and preventive measure. Overthinking is the problem here and if you learn the tips and tricks to divert your mind, then you will learn to adopt to this suitation. Be positive. It's a manageable suitation if you take some professional help. Feel free to reach us online for further help and guidance on mindset changes techniques or psychotherapy to overcome your problems. Be positive. You will be alright soon.
  • I have been feeling anxious for past 8 years. My stomach churns right before a event (good or bad ). I then get pimples and skin becomes dulls and hair dryness and hair fall. I have difficulty dealing with my manager in office as he insults me in front of my colleagues. I have been staying cautious since past 8 years. Scared that now the situation might turn bad. I try to meditate but not able to remove the situation in my head. I have inferiority complex, low confidence and quit often when situation turn against how I had imagined. The passion I once had is gone long back. I blame my parents for how I have turned up in life and don’t feel proud to be their daughter. I struggle at times to love myself however recently because I have lost weight I feel good about myself. I want peace of mind. And don’t want to feel affected by people’s opinion. -"
    Good day friend, I can understand your suitation and the struggles that is affecting your emotional balance. Be aware that our body and mind are very closely interconnected. Means, any emotional disturbance in your mind can easily affect the physical body functions to create the symptoms that you mentioned. So the solution lies in managing or controlling or diverting the negative thoughts that's creating you anxiety or depression. Be positive, it an addressable condition, if you are committed to follow certain changes to overcome. You need to tune your mindset to accept changes. That's the difficult part, but that's possible with the help of professional like us. After that any solutions like psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, relaxation techniques, meditation etc will work. Feel free to reach me online or through Lybrate chat to understand and assess your physical and mental symptoms to identify the root cause. Then suitable holistitc alternative solutions can be recommended. Be positive. You will be alright soon.
  • I have been taking sertraline 200 mg for 6 months now. It has helped my anxiety but is it possible that it can make my ibs symptoms worse? I have had continuous loose stools, nausea, stomach pain, gurgling stomach sounds and sweating since being on it. All of my stool and blood tests are normal. Can it be the sertraline causing digestive problems? Is this a sign to change medications?  - Asked for female 28 years"
    Hello friend, anxiety treatment need to have both medicine and certain non medicinal solutions. The second part help in addressing certain side effects as well as addressing the root cause behind your anxiety. These include certain lifestyle changes, excercises routine, dietary changes, relaxation techniques, psychotherapy or mindset changes techniques counseling etc. May be you need to focus and start such solutions in parallel if not haven't started. In addition, mentioned symptoms are due to excess heat (called as pitta in ayurveda) due to your lifestyle and habits. So you also need to manage body heat through food and rest. Be positive. You will be alright soon. Feel free to reach me online or through online chat for further assistance.
  • I am 25 years, 63kg i got marriage last year  {1year.3months } now I have pcod and tydriod i want baby we trying to concive very hard but not happening my relatives asking about good new and am doing yoga and exercise am trying different types of diets but my weight was not reduce at all am very feed up of all this please help out all are saying I can't concive. - Asked for Female, 25 Years"
    Hello Friend, good day. I can understand your concern and worry. Be aware that, conceiving is not just physical factor alone.. There is a major role of your mind, emotions, feelings, thoughts etc involved in this process. PCOD, thyroid, hormonal issues etc are also interconnected problems and they are strongly influenced by your emotional imbalance. So its important to identify the root causes and follow a systematic treatment plan. Be positive. You need to follow a holistic approach to address both physical and mental health together to see the result. Everything starts with change in your mindset and managing your thoughts better. Suggest you to take a counseling session first to learn the ways to manage your mindset. Be positive. You will be alright soon. Feel free to reach me online for further assistance.

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